Audiobooks and eBooks

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Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of digital graphic novels and comics. Browse by genre, publisher, or title; checkouts are for seven days with unlimited renewals.

eBook Central (ProQuest)

eBooks in the STEM field covering a wide range of subjects including Agriculture, Computer Science/IT, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, and Science.

MakeMake (Lectorum)

Lea más de 600 libros auténticos de ficción y no ficción latinoamericanos para todas las edades escolares. Incluye aproximadamente  100 libros animados para niños pequeños.

Read over 600 authentic fiction and nonfiction Latin American books for all school ages. Includes about 100 animated books for young children.

Maryland Deaf Culture Digital Library

We are pleased to announce that we are now able to offer access to the Maryland Deaf Culture Digital Library through OverDrive. Maintained by the Montgomery County Public Library, this collection consists of deaf-related eBooks and eAudio from OverDrive. Customers can access the content by logging on using their library card.


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OverDrive offers thousands of downloadable audiobooks, eBooks, and magazines, all free with your Prince George’s County Memorial Library System library card. There is a limit of 10 items per customer, checked out at any time. Magazines do not count against your checkout limit.